Alexis Granwell, Sun Spot, 10 x 8 x 3 inches, Handmade Paper and Linen Paint, 2021
Tiger Beats
Feb 6 - 27, 2021
Open Saturdays 2 - 4 pm and by appointment
TSA Philly members past and present have come together this February to show their love for Tiger Strikes Asteroid. Please join us for a sweet treat of a show featuring past and present members of TSA Philly. Mem- bers will be offering small and unique one offs, multiples and experiments that are rarely seen and available for sale. Each member is offering proceeds to keep Tiger Strikes Asteroid moving boldly into 2021 and beyond. Keep an eye on our IG for special info!
Happy hearts and love from TSA Philly
Participating Artists:
Jaime Alvarez
Megan Biddle
P. Timothy Gierschick II
Alexis Granwell
Mary Henderson
Olivia Jia
Amy Lee Ketchum
Nichola Kinch
Adam Lovitz
Samantha Mitchell
Kara Mshinda
Alex Paik
Caroline Santa
Terri Saulin
Anne Schaefer
Matthew Sepielli

photos by Constance Mensh