TNT studio space


TNT Residency AIR Open Call

Application Fee: $35 USD
Deadline to apply: Extended to Mar 28, 2025

Residency Dates: Jul - Dec, 2025

Transmitter NYC and Tiger Strikes Asteroid are thrilled to collaborate on sponsoring this 6-month fully funded residency in a 430-square-foot studio adjacent to both galleries at 1329 Willoughby Avenue. The residency will culminate in a solo exhibition or open studio event within the studio space. This residency will occur in two cycles per year, each with separate application cycles: Our “Winter” residency will run from January through June 27th, and our “Summer” residency will run from July through December. 

The Summer residency will commence on Saturday, July 5th, 2025, culminating with a solo exhibition in December 2025, which will end at the conclusion of the residency on December 14th, 2025. Depending on resident priorities, the resident may instead elect to host an open studio event during the final weekend of the residency. The exhibition will include a $250 honorarium and professional installation shots. We will prioritize underrepresented artists and artists who produce works not always viable in traditional commercial markets. We encourage artists from all educational backgrounds to apply, and we are excited to see work from artists based across the United States and internationally. 

Please note: we do not provide housing for the TNT Residency; if you are not based in NYC, then you are responsible for securing a living space for the duration of your residency. Residents may not live in or stay overnight in the studio.

Selection process: 10 semi-finalists will be selected. From those 10, 3 artists will receive Zoom studio visits. From this group of 3 finalists, the recipient of the winter TNT Residency will be selected.   

Please note that your submission fee directly contributes to the operating expenses for two volunteer-run art galleries. If you require a fee waiver or would like to pay it forward in support of a fellow artist, please contact us at  

We thank you for your support!


  • Open to professional working artists only. Currently enrolled students are not eligible to apply.

  • Submission fee is $35, non-refundable.

  • 5 works: JPGs OR a combination of MP4s and JPGs may be submitted. 

  • Each JPG must be between 2000 pixels at the largest dimension.

  • Video clips must be in MP4 format (if submitted through SlideRoom). You may also submit embedded videos (via YouTube, Vimeo).

  • All video clips must be no longer than 3 minutes in length. Please provide timestamps if needed.

  • Title, year, medium, and dimensions are required for all artworks submitted.

  • All submissions must be in by 11:59pm EDT on March 28, 2025, for consideration.

  • Finalists will be contacted mid-March to schedule studio visits. Residency recipient will be notified mid-April. Recipients and semi-finalists will be announced in May 2025.

  • The artist’s full mailing address must be included in the submission, including city, state and country if outside the U.S.