The Office Party

Nov 21 - Jan 2, 2015

Opening Reception: Nov 21, 6 - 8 pm

What: The Office Party

Unusual Stereotypes abound in this latest offering from the artists of TSA//LA. The new show opening at the famed south Broadway location will feature fresh and evolving works from across the TSA roster with a few ringers thrown in for holiday cheer. The Office Party is all the good parts we remember from the culture of holiday office obligation with none of the harrowing traps, almost no chance anyone will be fired for a crude comment about the boss’s shocking weight loss after his brief stint in that facility upstate. The Office Party will feature a variety of artworks in the holiday vernacular from TSA members and their cousins slash roommates slash other people that were compelled to attend The Office Party because they were promised that Jan from accounting wouldn’t do that thing that happened last year that made everyone call HR and or their mothers. And sure we have seen our share of quarterly predictions fall far short of the estimates made by the bean counters, but to heck with Shirley and his adding machine, how many office parties do we get a year, one is the answer and that one will be The Office Party, a party that re-invents office parties. Like Dale Schmidt, the originator of the modern office party once said, “I wasn’t afraid to throw off the yokes of tradition and establish my own mundane adherences to steam blowing offness’s.” He grasped his necktie and loosened the half Windsor, the only true blue collar knot, and slid and shimmied the colorless fabric slowly up his ears and onto the crown of his comb forward, and synched the knot tight, declaring his revenge on that strange season in late fall, a time we think of as sort of but not entirely the middle of a dreary winter that has forgotten how to spell the word sunshine, but hasn’t forgotten how to spike a bowl full of grocery store eggnog with a four dollar bottle of spiced rum that they found in the back of the desk of that guy that got laid off last week for constantly signing up for the carpool but never as the driver. That’s right Linda, we are all getting up on the photo copier this year, Hazahh! Now let’s see some Art!

Who: TSA//LA Member Artists Jonathan Ryan, Michelle Rozic, Warren Schultheis, Christopher Ulivo, Erin Harmon, Vanessa Chow, Patrick Melroy, and Guests.

Curated by: Ebenezer H. Scrooge Jr. Esq. MFA Risdi

Reception: Nov 21, 2015 6-8pm

Where: 440 S Broadway, Los Angeles, CA 90013 - Second Floor

Show Contact: Michelle Rozic : rozicweb at yahoo.com

TSA LA www.losangeles.tigerstrikesasteroid.com

photos by Gemma Lopez