The Jungle
Jun 29 - Jul 21, 2019
Opening Reception: Sat, Jun 29, 7-10 pm
Tiger Strikes Asteroid Los Angeles is pleased to announce The Jungle, a collaboration with the New Orleans based artist-collective, The Front.
sexy – romantic – strange
street hustle
self-reliant economies
colourful goddess energy…
Kevin Baer, David Bordett, Vanessa Centeno, Patrick Coll, Lee Deigaard, Tom Friel, Nurhan Gokturk, Robyn LeRoy-Evans + Dianne Lee, Cristina Molina, Kelly Mueller, Ruth Owens, Alex Podesta, Claire Rau, Cynthia Scott, Jamie Solock, Jonathan Traviesa, Madeleine Wieand, and Ryn Wilson
The Front:
The Front, an artist-run collective and 501c3 nonprofit gallery, fosters the development of contemporary art in the city of New Orleans through innovative exhibitions, lectures, screenings, performances, and other arts programming, all of which are free and open to the public. Founded by artists in 2008 amidst the post-Katrina resurgence of New Orleans and committed to a spirit of grassroots DIY determinism, The Front cultivates new and experimental work, in particular from emerging artists, but also from nationally and internationally known artists.