Fully Furnished Room
Feb 8 - Mar 1, 2020
Opening Reception: Sat, Feb 8, 7-10 pm
Tiger Strikes Asteroid Los Angeles is proud to present “Fully Furnished Room” a group exhibition featuring works by: Patrick Galvin, Sami Ibrahim, Anthony Benedict-Smith & Katherine Lubahn, Liz Nurenberg, Joel Fox, Brant Ritter, Michael Niemetz, Jackie Rines, Liz Ferrill, Armando Ramos III, Brittany Mojo, Dani Tull, Christopher Ulivo, Daniel Paul Schubert, Lookout and Wonderland, Stephanie Dotson, Vanessa Chow, Johanna Braun, Daniel Nimmo, Andrew Garcia, Carlos Kessler, Katie Shanks and Kari Reardon.
We have a very conventional-looking contemporary art space. I swear, there are few spaces as ugly (or just boring?) as a contemporary art space. The lumpy layer cake of sheetrock, white latex and joint compound over cement floors should be considered a hostile environment. In an empty gallery, I get the impression of an Apple computer made out of the skin from an Ivan Albright painting. And though I complain, galleries are my temple.
Anyone who would take the trouble to read this short essay probably worships there as well. I know transcendent moments can happen in these types of spaces, but I wonder at the nature of the psychic toll being extracted by viewing work almost exclusively in such phoney booths2. What to do? An exorcism?
This show of functional works, furniture and images related to more human interiors is conceived as an inverted exorcism of our space. For Fully Furnished Room is an inverted exorcism of our white cube gallery space. We have included a very large number of works: large and small, manufactured and hand made, that somehow embody the essence of living spaces (home, studio, hospital, office, toilet). We seek to invest our traditional gallery space with the ghosts of these places to ensure that future shows and projects will have the residue of the world in them and not just white rectilinearity.
Please help ensure a successful investiture of ghosts to ensure future shows and projects have the residue of the world in them and not just other white galleries.
Thursday, February 20, 2020:
7-9 pm Primary Tautologies book launch. The first monographic publication by Michael Niemetz, which covers the ecocritical artist’s body of work of the past 20 years, is not intended as an instruction manual for production, but rather as a misuse guide with a rethinking process in mind.
6 pm Family Slide Show: A reenactment of the now extinct and much maligned ‘vacation slide show’ using slides from the families of artists participating in Fully Furnished Rooms.
Sunday, February 23, 2020:
1-5 pm Nail Art Day: Artist, Jackie Rines will be hosting an inspirational full service nail salon within the gallery. Free open to all.
The first TSA show to include artists born on four continents, an active duty Delta Force member, furniture designers, children’s television animator and professional astrologers.
An old-man’s pun comparing small galleries to phone booths; vertical coffin sized cabinets which once held telephones spaced at intervals across a city.

photos by Gemma Lopez