Fragmented Gaze
Jul 9 - 30, 2016
Opening Reception: Sat, Jul 9
Fragmented Gaze, curated by Loren Britton
Lauren Faigeles, Alice Lang, Adam Novak, Paul Mpagi Sepuya
July 9 - 30th, 2016
Opening Reception - Saturday July 9th
AGENCY through fragmentation. By fragmenting BODY. A DIRECT gaze. CONVINCE. How does focus stay steady? How does focus slip away?
Through fragmenting the body, through the window onto the world, through the phone, through the rectangle, through digital means; the framework of the crop enters. In the crop. At the joint; a leg or a hand, the artist implicates their viewer. In this moment of constant digital self-fragmentation are we still implicated?
What are the stakes of fragmentation and representation of our already dispersed selves? How is the viewer implicated in a moment when parts of our bodies are already floating around in the blogosphere? How does an image re-orient the gaze?
The artists in this exhibition explore how fragmentation can be a tool to point to the performativity of our constant representation of ourselves.
Lauren Faigeles takes on what it means to be a woman painter. At first glance Faigeles’s work reads bombastic, yet the carefully constructed performativity of her work reveals an embedded second read.
Alice Lang had her body 3d scanned and is now making porcelain boob and butt mugs that are hand painted to render an anatomically correct replication of the artist’s body. Through this digital process Lang examines the female body as a site of objectification and how to regain agency over the body.
Adam Novak’s paintings are images of pouring beer and lotion over legs and hands. Engaging with his work on a haptic level the slippery substance that is being poured engages the senses of the viewer; sticky beer, hot sunny summer and hairy legs.
Paul Mpagi Sepuya’s photographs shimmer with cuts and crops of bodies, presented and re-presented in triangles and rectangles inside the frame. His work looks at the fragment that brings up desire and orients the viewer to pay attention to the cut of the edge.
Through these works that do and undo the gaze, and make and unmake the body this exhibition seeks to examine what happens through repetition and fragmenting.

photos by Add Name Here