Phung Huynh, Mik and Honey, graphite on paper, 12" x 9" 2018
Dec 15, 2018 – Jan 26, 2019
Opening Reception: Sun, Dec 16, 12-4 pm
TSA Chicago is proud to present an exhibition that features artists from Los Angeles who use a variety of media to produce work that exemplifies traditional practices of drawing. This exhibition is coordinated by Josue Pellot and curated by Los Angeles-based artist Mario Ybarra Jr., co-founder of Slanguage Studio, an artist-run storefront project in the Port of Los Angeles, City of Wilmington, CA.
For NOW(n)…PERSON, PLACE OR THING, Ybarra invited a group of his Los Angeles contemporaries who, like him, engage in a drawing practice. These practices range from pencil on paper and embroidery to collage and printmaking. In addition to presenting work by the artists in this exhibition, TSA will also host Ybarra’s Drawing Club, which was founded in 2011 in Aarhus, Denmark and most recently held when Ybarra was a faculty member at the Skowhegan School of Painting and Sculpture in 2017. The Drawing Club will take place on Saturday, December 15th from 12-3 p.m.
Hayley Barker
Karla Diaz
Daniel Gibson
Phung Huynh
Manuel Lopez
Rosalie Lopez
Cynthia Lujan
Ofelia Marquez
Victor Rosas
Josh Stone
Sergio Teran
Devon Tsuno