Sublime: Kristen Jordan, Melissa Ling, and Cobi Moules
Jan 7 - Feb 11, 2023
Opening Reception: Thu, Jan 12, 2023
Melissa Ling, Red 4 (The Village), 2016, Colored pencil on paper, 44 x 41 inches
Tiger Strikes Asteroid Philadelphia (TSA PHL) is pleased to present Sublime, a three-person exhibition featuring the work of Jordan Kristen, Melissa Ling, and Cobi Moules. Through the multiplicity of media of the work presented, the artists, selected through TSA PHL 2023 open call, present multiple approaches to the idea of a landscape, and take an ontological approach to its relationship to social, historical, and artistic discourses.
Sublime, as contraposed with the realities of the term within the art historical dialogue, becomes a proxy that embodies the landscape on an expanded form. Either through a series of nature’s fragmentary glimpses presented in Ling’s paper drawings, the temporal mixed media meditations expressed by Jordan’s work, or the questions raised by Moules regarding queer bodies in nature as an expression of the socio-political “American” landscape, our relationship with these changing paradigms is meant to erode the limiting boundaries of the conception of natural space and explore the nuanced vastness of our surroundings.
From a curatorial perspective, the show presents itself as a reflective exercise of the ways in which Covid-19 has pushed our social discourse to discuss and embrace the exterior space as an elemental part of the human psyche, supported by the presentation of elements that allow readings that travel between multiple relational spheres, constructs, and the state of the individual.
This show is curated and organized by TSA PHL member artists.