Ryan McCartney: Breaks to Make
Jul 6 - 29, 2012
Opening Reception: Fri, Jul 6, 6 - 10 pm
Ryan McCartney: Breaks to Make
July 6th– 29, 2012
Opening reception: Friday, July 6th, 6pm-10pm
Hours: Saturday and Sunday, 2pm-6pm and by appointment
PHILADELPHIA‐ Tiger Strikes Asteroid is pleased to announce the opening of our July 2012 exhibition, breaks to make, featuring work by TSA member Ryan McCartney. This exhibition is McCartney’s second solo show with the gallery.
From the accompanying essay by Earle McCartney:
Perception demands a disruption, a break. It moves by metaphor, not analogy – it’s not that one thing is like another; it’s that one thing is another, however briefly. What I see in much of my brother’s work is an examination of this moment of transfiguration…
In “breaks to make,” McCartney will be exhibiting both painting and sculpture. Though a departure from previous exhibition anatomy, all of the works continue McCartney’s investigation of material and perception. Objects and paint create an eloquent dialogue between the re turn to and the renewal of an ongoing core practice.