moving on: Timothy Belknap, William Blackhurst, Carolee Schneemann
curated by Ryan McCartney
Sep 2 - Oct 2, 2011
Opening Reception: Fri, Sep 2, 6 – 10 pm
PHILADELPHIA- Tiger Strikes Asteroid is pleased to announce the opening of its September exhibition, moving on, featuring the works of Timothy Belknap, William Blackhurst, and Carolee Schneemann.
moving on presents work from three artists; each dealing intimately with motion, the body, and the relationship between. Whether in object, image, or both, the works in the show treat movement as an integral component in content and in context, rather than as technique or novelty. Each artist subverts expectations of their media, through a variety of means including scale shift, humor, raw experimentation, and the invocation of cultural taboo, in order to ground the viewer in experience- to ground the viewer in the physical, the now of the relationship before them. Works on view will include experimental animation, kinetic sculpture, and Carolee
Schneemann?s 1965 film,“Fuses”.
Tim Belknap is a multimedia artist, living and working in Philadelphia. He has shown extensively, both locally and nationally. William Blackhurst is an animator and a painter, currently residing in London, UK. This is his first gallery exhibit. Carolee Schneemann is a world renowned, groundbreaking artist who has influenced generations of fellow artists.