Meoto Yunomi
Dec 9, 2023 - Jan 13, 2024
2nd Thursday Receptions: Dec 14, 2023 and Jan 11, 2024
Closing Reception - Soup’s On / empty cup / bowl
January 13, 3-6 p.m. @TSAPhilly - All are Welcome
Give a $20.00 donation and visitors will receive one surprise cup/bowl.
Surprise Cup Package Limited to 50 people
Proceeds split between The Mazzoni Center & WIlliam Way
> Catalog of Works <
A “yunomi” is a handle-less Japanese teacup used for daily tea drinking. The tradition of making Yunomi has evolved since its conception in the 16th century and contemporary artists have expanded on the variety of styles and shapes, departing from the traditional footed, cylindrical style.
Artist/Curator Terri Saulin sent out invitations to a select group of artists during 2023’s Pride Month to honor our LGBTQA+ friends. Using “Meoto Yunomi “ as a vehicle to challenge heteronormative power dynamics, artists were asked to create two cups that absolutely have to be together…. or not.
“Meoto Yunomi” are often given as wedding gifts in Japan, the larger cup symbolizes the ‘husband’ and the smaller cup the 'wife.’ Traditional partnering ideas are firmly rooted in misogyny and oppression, a system that denies power to women and overall devalues effeminacy or anything viewed as submissive, diminutive. Why not find value in powerlessness? Tradition is tricky. Sometimes the wife is taller than the husband, sometimes the Mx’s are the same size. Sometimes, one feels they must stand alone. Why not decide to stick with love?
I began my love affair with clay circa 1990, after a long and loving relationship with Printmaking, as a student at Moore College of Art & Design. In a few years, I wanted to go to graduate school and continue teaching full time. In preparation I bought a subscription to Ceramics monthly and started taking classes at The Clay Studio in Philadelphia. In 1997, David Gary Wright wrote an article called “The Provocative Cup.” The article hit deep and immediately became part of my teaching practice.
In the article, Wright shares several experiences of how magical and compelling a cup can be. The encounter that resonated with me was with a cup by Clay Mobile Founder Kathryn Narrow. Wright talks about a time in his life when he was traveling, feeling remote and lonely. He visited a craft shop and found a cup made by his old friend Kathryn. Feeling the cup in his hands brought back the sweet, warm memory of being safely back at home. Wright describes this revelation as experiencing “…a profound emotional and spiritual connection between Kathryn (the maker), the earth and myself.
Looking back at that moment later, I realized that the cup is clearly the most intimate, timeless, useful pot; it is the one pottery form that transcends time, culture, class and tradition. That encounter with Kathryn’s cup marks the first time I recall a pot having had that effect on me. I soon came to the realization that pots can have a powerful emotional impact on potters and patrons alike. Making and using pots helps keep us all closer to those things that are "real” and important in this world.”
Each time I return to this article, I remember the loneliness and fear I experienced when I went back to Grad school and took some life changing risks, from partnered to single to married to single. The moment I began my relationship with The Clay Studio I felt the same wash of safety and comfort. Kathrn Narrow sold me my first bag of clay. I still have a few awkward forms made from that earth and I just can’t part with them. As soon as I was able, I purchased one of Katherine’s cups. A gorgeous porcelain round, on a high foot, blue green, pregnant bud, with a hint of yellow. Imagine drinking from an almost open magnolia blossom, cupped between two hands. I was hooked. I began a life of stewardship, adding special new friends as often as I could. If I had the fortune of selling a piece, the gift came back in another treasured cup for the collection. Then the internet happened… and I acquired an “Accidental Meoto Yunomi.” Mimi Logothetis and Harris Deller got married, well, the cups did. Guess who is taller?
All proceeds from Workshops, Tea and Wine Sales and IG Auctions will be split between The Mazzoni Center & WIlliams Way
No. 5 Butchie Alley - 12/02/2023 - 02/03/2024
Opening Reception - December 2, 6 - 9 pm
Featuring live music w/ J Strings - Tea Sale
Closing Reception - February 3, 6 - 9 pm
Open to all - Soup & Mulled Wine - Register for $20.00 in the shop & receive a surprise cup or bowl when you visit February 3rd Closing Reception.
Limited to 50 people.
Ceramics Workshops / TBA
Tiger Strikes Asteroid Philadelphia - 12/09/2023 - 01/13/2024
2nd Thursday Reception - 12/14/23 Teasale
2nd Thursday Reception - 1/11/24 Teasale
Closing Reception - Soup sale/empty cup/bowl
January 13, 3-6 p.m.
Open to all - Soup & Mulled Wine - Register for $20.00 in the shop & receive a surprise cup or bowl when you visit February 3rd Closing Reception.
Limited to 50 people.
All Proceeds from cup/bowl/tea/IG online auction sales will be split between The Mazzoni Center & WIlliams Way.
Participating Artists
Tuile Fionnualla
Kevin Kao
Adam Eddy
Bryan Warner
Megan Biddle
Nichola Kinch
Jaime Alvarez
Mary Henderson
Greyory Blake
Jack Thompson
Celia Feldberg
Andrea Marquis
Diana Chamberlain
Vicky Gold
Stephanie Kantor
Minah Kim
Brenda Levin
Kathryn Narrow
Sandrine Sheon
Amy Sarner Williams
Nancy Agati
Diane Pieri
Jim Strong
Georgena Senior
Sheldon Omar Abba
David Gary Wright
Colleen Keefe
Adam Lovitz
Jennifer Lee Baldwin
Barbara Botting
Gerard Brown
Jim Biglan
Brooke Hine
Hope Hummingbird
Andrea Wohl Keefe
Mary Barrett
Han Wang
Heather Ossandon
Elizabeth Hamilton
Peter Morgan
Ben Peterson
Terri Saulin
Marguerita Hagan
Liz Daley
Carly Slade
Antonio Fink
Harris Deller
Jeff Warnock
Masa Sasaki
Carly and Dave Ceramics
Josephine Mette Larsen
Mimi Logothetis
Cindy Stockton Moore
Mark Stockton
Michelle Im
Margo Schrieber
Warren Holzman
Charlotte Lindley Martin
Patti Dougherty
Jon Clark
Madhulika Lal
Don Nakamura
Marguarita Schmid
Gina Tibbott
Corey Weiser
Ben White
Tania O'Donnell
Jennifer D.Martin
Rena Thompson
JoAnne Sutkin
Serena Perrone
Janice Merendino
Matthew Courtney
Conni Spiegle
Nicole Pogas
Kathie Regan Dalzell
Better Lovers
Darla Jackson
Chris Rodgers
Sarah Peters
Duwenavue Sante Johnson

photos by Constance Mensh