Chad Gerth & Lydia Jenkins Musco
Feb 4 - 27, 2011
Opening Reception: Fri, Feb 4, 6 – 10 pm
PHILADELPHIA- Tiger Strikes Asteroid is pleased to announce the opening of its February exhibition, a two person show featuring the work of Chad Gerth and Lydia Jenkins Musco.
Chad Gerth, a photographer, will be showing work from his Empty Lots series. This series of various sized photographs depicts empty lots, or Urban Prairies, as they are referred to, from 40 to 80 feet above and photographed straight on. Gerth states about these photographs, “From this perspective we see traces of past purposes and patterns of use that are not visible from the ground. This reveals not only the human past, but also nature’s strategies for reclaiming the land. While every major city has these areas, Chicago’s particular flatness, rectilinearity, and fabled skyline lend a revelatory aspect to this process. They are a shortcut to both the pre-urban past and a post-human future.”
Lydia Jenkins Musco, a sculptor, makes large concrete works with accumulated layers and undulating lines and curves. These sculptures, as is the case with Gerth’s photographs, reference both what is urban and what is rural. In her statement Musco notes, “Although my work is influenced by urban spaces and environments, it is equally fed by a connection to the rural, wooded landscapes I explored while growing up. Along with ideas of architecture and constructed space, certain fundamental elements of nature have remained within my visual and object-making vocabulary, such as sedimentary layers and the work of gravity and time.
Chad Gerth received his BFA from Ryerson University and his MFA from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago. He has shown his work at Corkin Gallery in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, the Zhou B Art Center in Chicago, Illinois and Plane Space Gallery in New York City among numerous other venues.
Lydia Jenkins Musco holds a BA from Bennington College and an MFA from Boston University. Recent exhibitions include a solo show at Davidson College in North Carolina and a group exhibition, “Reunited” at Denise Bibro Fine Art in New York City. In addition she has received grants from the Pollock-Krasner Foundation and the Joan Mitchell Foundation.