The day is for sleeping 2 - Trinity of pleasure, fabric, yarn, ink, wood, 40 x 24 x 24 inches, 2019
AIR: Naomi Momoh
Aug - Sep 12, 2020
Tiger Strikes Asteroid Philadelphia is pleased to share new work from Naomi Momoh, our premiere artist-in-residence. Momoh creates works on paper, sculpture, and installation, with a focus on fibers and found forms.
TSA’s new artist-in-residence program was founded in 2020 to provide flexible resources and space to artists who are currently without a studio or gallery. Created while TSA’s gallery in Crane Arts is closed for quarantine, the AIR program is free and open to artists in the Philadelphia area. Momoh was selected by TSA’s curatorial committee as the inaugural artist-in-residence. Artists selected from an open call will be announced this fall.
Momoh’s new work will be on view at Tiger Strikes Asteroid Philadelphia by appointment September 9-September 12, 2020 (12-5 pm). To make an appointment, please contact Naomi Momoh: Slots are limited to two viewers at a time. Masks and social-distancing are required at all times.
Naomi Momoh’s work investigates the intersections between race and gender from the point of view of her childhood. Traumas experienced during her childhood, due to these chaotic intersections, are expressed through - physical deconstruction of toys / poetic deconstruction of children’s literature / fabric printing / intuitive sewing. Attempts to rebuild these memories and reconcile with her present. These memories are soft scraps / jagged soft forms colliding/ incomplete text that represent this cycle.

photos by Constance Mensh