Artworks by (Clockwise from top left): Matt Smith Chávez-Delgado, Mark Joshua Epstein, Monica Carrier, Liz Collins, Erika Ranee, Joey Parlett, Cole Lu, Echo Eggebrecht
The Flat Files: Year Four
Dec 9 - 18, 2016
Opening Reception: Fri, Dec 9, 6-9 pm
The Flat Files: Year Four
December 9th – 18th
Reception: Friday, December 9th, 6pm - 9pm
Hours: Saturdays and Sundays 1pm - 6pm and by appointment
Brooklyn, NY – TSA is pleased to present an exhibition to celebrate the launch of our 2016 – 2017 Flat File program, which includes work by 33 artists chosen from an open call that attracted a diverse range of artists. The selected artworks represent a wide array of approaches towards flat media. Drawing, collage, printmaking, and photography have been deployed in radically different manners. In many cases the selected works are emblematic of an artist’s core enterprise, while for some this work represents a surprising departure from a larger creative project. The small-scale format becomes an elastic site for play and exploration.
During this exhibition and throughout the year visitors are welcome to browse and purchase artworks from the flat file. Individual pieces from the Flat File program will be selectively highlighted throughout the year. As of December 9th, all works can be viewed online at
The 2016-2017 Flat File features works by: William Brayton, Monica Carrier, Liz Collins, Jonathan Cowan, Matt Smith Chávez-Delgado, Don Doe, Echo Eggebrecht, Brian Edmonds, Sandra Erbacher, Mark Joshua Epstein, Alyssa E Fanning, Matthew Neil Gehring, Elizabeth Gilfilen, Eric Hibit, Cary Hulbert, Will Hutnick, Michael Gac Levin, Cole Lu, Daina Mattis, Lawrence Mesich, Really Large Numbers (Julia Oldham and Chad Stayrook), Joey Parlett, Elvia Perrin, Rebecca Murtaugh, Erika Ranee, James Reeder, Jason Rohlf, Carrie Rubinstein, Matthew Shelley, Jaclyn Wright, Polly Yim, Patricia Zarate, Brian Zegeer.

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