Nichole van Beek, Ban Bannon, 2017, Acrylic on dyed canvas, 26” x 22”
Magic Shell
May 11 – June 17, 2018
Opening Reception: Fri, May 11, 6-9 pm
BROOKLYN, NY – Tiger Strikes Asteroid New York is pleased to present Magic Shell, a group exhibition curated by Jackie Hoving that includes the work of Jane Lefarge Hamill, Lucy Kim, Norm Paris, Clement Valla, Nichole van Beek, and Kemar Wynter.
The artworks in this show are predicated upon a shifting ground. What happens to the substrate and the materials attached to it? Is it a crust that can be built atop or layered beneath? Is it flat or round? Does it torque in space? This shell is a site for reimagining form, for hiding material, or for concealing a different content. Each artist reaches at least one step beyond the surface.
Lucy Kim’s life-casts are repeated and deployed to create a distended ground, onto which color and light complicate our reading. Volumetric representation bristles against painterly allusion within the relief format. Paris also employs molding and casting processes, only his figural homages are cut apart to reveal a geode-like layering of material. Representational form gives way to geological time. Jane Lefarge Hamill’s paintings act as a site for a multivalent experience in virtual reality that extends the logic of the surface, the painterly mark becoming movable fragments that are broken up and reformulated in response to the whims of the viewer. Nichole van Beek balances an intensely packed painting vocabulary with a keen understanding of isometric plane to create immersive visual conundrums. Kemar Wynter’s work is culled from the process of cooking – it’s ingredients and time-based experiences – as a referential structure
that guides his use of materials and marks. The substrate becomes a repository for remembered recipe. Clement Valla uses a combination of digital and physical systems to unravel and reconstitute form, the byproducts of which elicit an uncanny sense of fracture and distortion.
Teller, the contemporary magician and illusionist, once said about a particular stage trick “The eye could see the moves, but the mind could not comprehend them.” The surface for all of these artists becomes the starting point for modifying or subverting what is initially seen, enacting an unfolding of form and meaning.
Tiger Strikes Asteroid’s 2018 Exhibition Program is sponsored, in part, by the Greater New York Arts Development Fund of the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs, administered by Brooklyn Arts Council (BAC).