Left: Ivin Ballen, health food/junk food, 2016, polymer paint, oil paint, epoxy, fiberglass, steel foam, plastic, 46.5x36.5x10"
Right: Sun You, wood moulding, polymer clay 15x96x144”
glorious modest
May 12 - June 18, 2017
Opening Reception: Fri, May 12, 6-9 pm
BROOKLYN, NY – glorious modest brings together the work of Ivin Ballen and Sun You, two New York based artists whose work incorporates everyday materials into eccentric arrangements full of wit and beauty.
Upon viewing Ivin Ballen’s work, you first perceive a jumble of colored shapes haphazardly arranged on a vast backdrop. Upon closer inspection, these shapes resolve themselves into an assemblage of material scraps like tape, wood and clay. Ballen has written of his tenderness for scraps, often those unused odds and ends left in the wake of other projects. This sense of care is evident in his painstaking casting of these pieces in colored paint and resin-a reification in labor that reimagines the casually discarded fragments in a new and enduring wholeness.
Sun You gathers a mix of everyday craft materials to create colorful abstract designs that hover between fine art and craft decor. Her works use commonplace materials like clay, costume jewelry and filigreed wood in a celebration of color, ornament and gesture. Her recent floor installations arrange small abstract compositions of colorful polymer clay. They are arranged in loose groupings not dissimilar from goods in a retail display or food laid out on a banquet table. Their association with domesticity and baking is reinforced by You’s handbuilding techniques of rolling, pinching and firing the individual works in an oven.
Ivin Ballen works in Brooklyn, NY. Recently, Ballen has been featured in exhibitions in NY at Bannerette, Projekt722, and Blackston Gallery and in Ferndale Michigan at Susanne Hilberry Gallery. His work has also been reviewed in the Brooklyn Rail, Artforum, Time Out NYC, as well as other Publications. Ballen is currently participating in Say Yes, a group show at Wayne State University, Detroit.
Sun You is a Seoul born, New York based artist. You has exhibited her work in galleries and museums internationally. Recent exhibition venues include Queens Museum, New York, The Korean Cultural Center, New York Koreanisches Kulturzentrum, Kulturabteilung der Botschaft der Republik Korea, Berlin, Kunstlerhaus Schloss Balmoral, Bad Ems, Seoul Arts Center, Seoul, Wagner College, New York and The Suburban, Chicago. You was an artist in residence at Marble House Project, Atlantic Center for the Arts, Triangle Arts Association, and Künstlerhaus Schloss Balmoral in Bad Ems, Germany. You had a solo exhibition at l’space 71 in Seoul, a two-person exhibition at Underdonk, Brooklyn and 5 group exhibitions in New York and Dallas in 2016. She was also selected as Artists to Watch in 2016 by WIDEWALLS and 18 Artists to Watch, by Modern Painters, 2015.