Zachary Fabri, still from Mim Andar Avenida Canadá (I Walk Avenue Canada), single channel video, 2010


Field Studies

Jul 8 - Aug 7, 2016

Opening Reception: Fri, Jul 8, 6-9 pm

Field Studies, curated by Andrew Prayzner and Naomi Reis
July 8 – August 7, 2016
Opening Reception: Friday, July 8, 6-9pm 


BROOKLYN, NY  – TSA is pleased to present Field Studies, a group exhibition featuring 
the work of Terry Adkins, Emilie Clark, Zachary Fabri, Rachel Frank, Matthew Jensen, 
Julia Oldham and Lina Puerta.

The work in this exhibition stems from the spirit of the explorer, the investigator and seeker – taking the studio outside to activate space, and allowing curiosity and chance to shape outcome. In these Field Studies, rather than using the scientific method of applying systematic experiments to test a predetermined thesis, the artists use rigorous methods to offer glimpses of alternate realities and otherwise invisible realms of knowledge. 

In Mim Andar Avenida Canadá, Zachary Fabri uses choreographed movements to create lyrical dances with dust in an industrial landscape, “recording red dirt as data onto handmade clothes, which served as an analog recording device.” Emilie Clark reimagines herself as the pioneering American chemist Ellen H. Richards by replicating her aquaponic studies in Sweet Corruptions. Lina Puerta uses found materials in her Untitled basket series to explore ideas of entropy in nature versus human activity through material and beauty; Julia Oldham’s The Timber* video series features the artist in uncanny mimicry of insect behavior in their natural habitats, while Matthew Jensen wanders through interstitial public land, collecting photographic imagery of overlooked places and found objects as he goes. Shown for the first time in New York City, Terry Adkins’s video Roost (2001) depicts him as John Brown’s ghost at Lake Alice in Gainesville, FL, a site where he posits Brown and his supporters could have celebrated had their efforts been successful. Rachel Frank’s Mylodon, Pleistocene Era Ground Sloth brings the extinct ground sloth back to life, a lone figure foraging in a primordial forest unmarred by human activity. 

* “The Timber
” (2008-2009) was commissioned by Art in General

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