Asuka Goto: lost in translation
Feb 16 – Mar 25, 2018
Opening Reception: Fri, Feb 16, 6-9 pm
BROOKLYN, NY – Tiger Strikes Asteroid New York is pleased to present lost in translation, a solo exhibition of Asuka Goto’s recent project of the same name. lost in translation is the culmination of three years of work, documenting Goto’s process of translating Elizabeth, a novel by her father, page by page from Japanese to English. The resulting 200+ works do not exist as a traditional readable manuscript but rather as a series of annotated mixed media works on paper, one for each page of the novel.
While the initial impulse to translate her father’s novel was a way to acknowledge and explore the space that exists between Goto, a bi-racial American-born woman, and her Japanese father, the project as a whole becomes something much larger and more complicated than a way to explore the space between father and daughter. lost in translation attempts to hold many pairs of ideas together – translation project/drawing series, art object/annotated text, Japanese/American, father/daughter.
This tension becomes like trying to touch two like ends of a magnet together. The in-between space becomes charged with energy and meaning, the two ends constantly threatening to slip past each other, never touching.
Artist Bio
Asuka Goto received an MFA in Sculpture from Tyler School of Art and a BA and Post-Baccalaureate Certificate from Brandeis University. She attended Skowhegan School of Painting and Sculpture in 2008 and was a Workspace resident at the Lower Manhattan Cultural Council in 2009/2010. She has also participated in residencies at the Joan Mitchell Center, HomeBase Berlin, Sculpture Space and the Vermont Studio Center. Goto has received several awards including the NYFA Artists’ Fellowship (for Architecture / Environmental Structures / Design), the Jerome Foundation Travel & Study Grant, and the Joan Mitchell MFA Grant. Her work has been exhibited at NURTUREart, BRIC, the Brooklyn Public Library, the CUE Foundation, TSA NY, and 92Y Tribeca in New York; at the Kimmel Center in Philadelphia, PA; at Real Art Ways in Hartford, CT; and at the Globe Gallery in Newcastle, England.
Goto grew up in Boston, Massachusetts and Yokosuka, Japan. She now lives in Brooklyn, New York and is an assistant professor at Moore College of Art & Design, where she teaches in the Foundation, Fine Arts, and Graduate Studies Departments.