Meghan Brady’s Studio, Rockland, ME (2018)
Artist-in-Residence: Meghan Brady
Apr 6 - May 6, 2018
Opening Reception: Fri, Apr 27, 6-9 pm
Tiger Strikes Asteroid New York is pleased to host Meghan Brady as our first artist in residence from April 6th to May 6th. During her residency, Meghan will be producing large-scale works on paper and paintings. Meghan makes bold and emphatic art that nudges painting towards the realm of sculpture and installation. Her images freely reference ceramic vessels, the human form, her daughters’ drawings and American crafts. The scale of her pieces generates a direct conversation with the site in which they were created and also the one in which they are ultimately viewed. Meghan’s works are physical and bold, yet contain a spirit that sidesteps many of the trappings of monumental art.
TSA will be closed for the first three weeks of April. The gallery will open to the public on April 27 (6-9pm) when Meghan will present new pieces created during her residency alongside ceramic vessels produced in collaboration with ceramicist Ariela Kuh. The exhibition will remain on view during normal gallery hours through May 6th.
Tiger Strikes Asteroid’s 2018 Exhibition Program is sponsored, in part, by the Greater New York Arts Development Fund of the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs, administered by Brooklyn Arts Council (BAC).