Zachary Fabri and Jordie Oetken: In Tandem
Jan 8 - Feb 5, 2022
Opening Reception: Jan 8, 7-10 pm
Tiger Strikes Asteroid Los Angeles (TSALA) is pleased to present In Tandem, a two-person exhibition featuring Zachary Fabri and Jordie Oetken. In Tandem opens Saturday, January 8th, from 7-10pm, and will remain on view through February 5th.
Within their works, Zachary Fabri and Jordie Oetken question the multifarious points of connection that define the lines between self and other. Situating the body both in relation to, and in tandem with its surroundings, the artists explore positioning, range of movement, and iterations of balance— understanding each to be influenced by all that affects and has the potential to affect the self.
Encoded at the root of the work lies an urgent query: how do we best care for ourselves and for each other? When physical and social proximities are severed and solitude imposed, what is lost or irrevocably altered? What is found amongst the absence?
Themes and concepts of vulnerability, safety, and self-protection are prevalent throughout the exhibition. Fabri presents videos that utilize abstractions of bodily movement to interrogate and embody the policing of public and private spaces. Oetken engages the body to perform acts of immediate self-protection, as well as stamina under stress within traditionally queer-adverse landscapes.
Bound by remembrance of togetherness, the tenderness carved for self and others connects in perpetuity, as muscle to tendon, tendon to bone. Among the grassy fields and red-lit lanes of In Tandem, the body flings itself, embracing pain and gravity, always the softest thing at stake. Balance is gained and lost, and the inseparable is pulled apart. How do we hold ourselves and others? Where are our vulnerabilities revealed? How is power held within, and in relation to, our own bodies? Who, exactly, is doing the holding?
Zachary Fabri is an interdisciplinary artist engaged in lens-based media, often complicating the boundaries of studio research, site-specific performance, and social engaged practice. Fabri’s work has been exhibited at Art in General, The Studio Museum in Harlem, The Walker Art Center, The Brooklyn Museum, The Barnes Foundation, Performa, and Recess. He has collaborated in projects at the Museum of Modern Art, the Sharjah Biennial, and Pace gallery. Fabri lives and works in Brooklyn.
Jordie Oetken is a multidisciplinary artist based in Los Angeles. Her work employs scale, lighting, and strategies of containment to maintain a continuous tension, asking the viewer to oscillate between their desire for calcification and the ambiguous narrative power of the image. Originally from Louisville, Kentucky, Oetken received her MFA from UCLA, and has held residencies at MacDowell, Lighthouse Works, and Skowhegan School of Painting and Sculpture.

photos by Gemma Lopez