Pupillis Gigantti: Brad Ewing & JJ Miyaoka-Pakola

Apr 16 - May 7, 2016

Opening Reception: Sat, Apr 16, 6-8 pm

Pupillis Gigantti: Brad Ewing & JJ Miyaoka-Pakola
April 16 - May 7, 2016
Opening Reception: Saturday, April 16, 6-8pm


Tiger Strikes Asteroid LA is pleased to present, Pupillis Gigantti , work by Brad Ewing and JJ Miyaoka-Pakola.

In the amature telescope world, we envy big pupils. The larger your pupil, the more deep-space light you can get into your brain. For maximum efficiency, the telescope’s exit pupil (the circle of light emitted from the of the eyepiece) should exactly fit the size of your fully dilated pupil. Often, 7mm is used as the standard extra-large pupil size. But there are some people out there, well endowed people, with pupils that stretch out to 9mm, ka-pow -Glock eyes!

I suspect Brad Ewing and JJ Miyaoka-Pakola must have 9mm pupils. At least, their work collectively makes me feel that I’ve been blessed with larger pupils than I actually have. All three artists exude control over hyper-intense color. The color choices seem carefully tied to the shapes and forms where they live. They make work that looks exotic outer-space phenomena with complicated causes but best enjoyed with our senses -to the extent we have been blessed.   

Pupillis Gigantti  
Tiger Strikes Asteroid Los Angeles
440 S. Broadway, Los Angeles, CA 90013
Hours- By Appointment (773) 350-2156 (Carl) (310) 279-7842 (Vanessa)
April 16- May 7, 2016 Opening reception April 16, 6-8pm

440 S Broadway, Los Angeles CA 90013
losangeles@tigerstrikesasteroid.com  |  318 550 7772
Hours: Saturdays Noon - 5pm and by appointment

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