Christopher Ulivo, Forces of Destiny: Prayers and Preparation Against the Unwanted Suitors, 2020, egg tempera on panel
Sep 11 - 26, 2021
Opening Reception: Sep 11, 7 -10 pm
Zine featuring words and images from by our members, designed by Katya Usvitsky:
Screen-friendly / Print your own
Tiger Strikes Asteroid Los Angeles is thrilled to present Hybrid, our first exhibition in over a year. Each member of TSA LA has chosen a work from their personal collection to show alongside their own work, providing an intimate look at the art that we choose to live with in our homes. As we emerge from a year and a half of remote teaching, hybrid learning, and having the interiors of our homes on display through Zoom, we view this exhibition as an appropriately awkward conflation of our public and private selves. The exhibition will be accompanied by a zine that will be published online and available at the gallery. We are so excited to welcome you all back!
Carl Baratta / Uncle Bob
Johanna Braun / Elke Silvia Krystufek
Vanessa Chow / Kenojuak Ashevak
Cait Finley / Darrian Johnson
Erin Harmon / Sister Mary Corita Kent
Brittany Mojo / Chris Miller
Michael Niemetz / Hans Neuffer
Liz Nurenberg / Rachel Apthorp
Alex Paik / Asuka Goto
Armando Ramos / Manjari Sharma
Kari Reardon / Anitra Haendel
Jackie Rines / Jane Orr
Christopher Ulivo / Amy Longenecker Brown
Katya Usvitsky / Don Porcella

photos by Gemma Lopez