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Dress Rehearsal
Mar 25 - Apr 15, 2017
Opening Reception: Sat, Mar 25, 7-10 pm
(Los Angeles) Tiger Strikes Asteroid presents our member’s group show, Dress Rehearsal. Our new space is completed and we want you to come by and see! Next month we will begin our regularly scheduled programming, but for this month we wanted to show off the talent of each of our hard-working members. We also want to use this opening to say thank you to everyone who lent us support over the past couple months while we hunted for our new space at The Bendix Building.
In addition to TSALA moving to the beautiful Bendix Building, Monte Vista Projects (MVP) moved out of their space and next to us to continue their wonderful programming. And even more good news, we moved next to Post Gallery. Our three galleries will continue to coordinate openings together so when you come up the elevator to the 5th floor to see stuff be prepared for three exhibitions at once.
Some things to know about Dress Rehearsal’s Saturdays opening and the new location downtown:
Street parking in the Fashion District where we are now located opens up around 6pm. Some parking areas along the streets are free so keep an eye out for that. There is also parking under The Bendix Building if you’d rather.
The entrance of the building is on 12th and Maple. Take the elevator up to the 5th floor and head left where you will see our galleries.
From everyone at TSALA and our new gallery neighbors, we hope to see you soon and thank you for your ongoing support folks!