Jul 9 - 24, 2022
organized by Daniel Weisenfeld and Eva Schwab
Opening Reception: Saturday, Jul 9th, 2022, 7-10 pm
Tiger Strikes Asteroid LA is proud to present CRACK UP, a group exhibition featuring Carl Baratta, Niina Lehtonen Braun, Eli Cornejo, Mathias Deutsch, JOKAklubi (performance group with Niina Lehtonen Braun, Mirka Raita, Tellervo Kalleinen), Liz Nurenberg, Jackie Rines, Eva Schwab, Katya Usvitsky, Daniel Wiesenfeld, and Clemens Wilhelm.
All is not well on the mothership, things are getting out of hand, moving closer to multiple system failure, on the verge of a complete breakdown.
Meanwhile, there is still fun to be had in these times of crisis, right?
So let’s crack up while the world is cracking up!
The artist collectives HilbertRaum, Berlin and Tiger Strikes Asteroid, LA are reunited once again since B-LA CONNECT first took place 2019 in Berlin. Did anyone mention the pandemic? The works presented by the artists in CRACK UP are highly personal and subjective takes on the current state of affairs. The media and aesthetic approaches are extremely varied and diverse, yet or maybe because of this they interact and communicate with each other to create new levels of meaning.

photos by Benjamin Eppes