Jul 1 - 23, 2017
Opening Reception: Sat, Jul 1, 7-10 pm
July 1 - July 23th, 2017
Opening Reception: Saturday, July 1, 7-10pm
Tiger Strikes Asteroid Los Angeles presents Caves, a collaborative two-person show featuring Sarah Ann Weber and Amber Renaye.
“That’s it?”
- pause -
“Did they consider it could be a tree? A dandelion? A spade? I mean, how do they know?”
“I don’t know, the archaeologists seem confident. Carbon dating proves it to be about 37,000 years old.”
“So that’s the oldest vagina ever found?”
“Supposedly. I think that’s a nimbus.”
“I can see that. Where did they find it?”
“On the ceiling.”
“The ceiling of the cave?”
“Yeah. The researcher said, “it’s quotidian art, it’s everyday art…that it’s over their heads as they’re doing every day, banal sorts of things.””
“So then, it’s a vagina with a nimbus.”
“Yeah, on the ceiling.”
Amber Renaye and Sarah Ann Weber are artists and writers whose friendship formed in 2013 when both attended the Ox-bow School of Art as Joan Mitchell grant recipients. Amber in New York, Sarah in Los Angeles, the two have worked collaboratively on this show, embedding the intimacy of their friendship with the specificities of their work.
Tiger Strikes Asteroid is open on Saturday and Sunday from 12 to 5 PM each day, and by appointment at other times. The opening reception and exhibition are free and open to the public. Please email losangeles@tigerstikesasteroid.com or call 209.553.0462 for more information.