Until We Meet Again

Mar 29 - May 10, 2025

Opening Reception: Sat, Mar 29, 2025, 1-4 pm

LOVE REDEEMS. DESPITE all the lovelessness that surrounds us, 
nothing has been able to block our longing for love, 
the intensity of our yearning.

- bell hooks, All About Love: New Visions 

Until We Meet Againis the second phase of the artist-run exchange project between the nebulous collective,Hyperlink, located in Denver and Tiger Strikes Asteroid Chicago. The two artist groups find commonality in alternative artistic experiences, practices, opportunities, and the expansion of community.  Hyperlink formed as an alternative space in Chicago’s Zhou B Art Center and has since moved from a brick and mortar space, electing instead, to work with various institutions and exhibition spaces in different regions.  The links created through that experiment grew like roots sprouting new tendrils. Hyperlink, in its present iteration, aims to collapse geographic isolation and foster tangible connection through the arts by relationship-building in the national and international artistic community, having arranged exhibitions in Los Angeles, Nashville, Denver, Chicago, and China, among others. 

The artists selected for Until We Meet Again at Tiger Strikes Asteroid in Chicago, were tasked with reflecting on longing. This group exhibition includes artworks such as the intricate tapestries by Chicago artist Tali Halpern whose oil-slicked black piece, anxious-avoidant trap, references the cycle of a toxic relationship - almost a phantom limb that when gone leaves you aching for more. 

Additional works include long-time collaborators, Tobias Fike and Matthew Harris’ two-channel video, Confined: both a humorous and concerning exploration of the deep need for humans to feel connected. Created during the COVID lockdown, they recorded a synchronous zoom performance where they cut through layers of fabric constraining their heads.

Other works such as Theresa Anderson’s sculpture sack/ 13, made from tights, dragon skin and pigmented pillow soft foam use materials that physically appeal to the senses or conceptually tickle a point of interest. In the words of writer Mardee Goff, her work uses “the body as a point of departure, then through a process of layering and subtracting materials…ultimately arrives at work that leaves only a shell or skin haunted by the presence of a form that was once intimately involved but has since moved on." 

Until We Meet Again captures the complexities of longing and connection. Through forging new relationships and reconnecting with past ones, this exhibition offers a rich exploration of human experiences through the works of diverse artists. Real relationships are both shown and created within this collaborative project, bringing together artists from across the country to share their unique perspectives and deepen our understanding of physical and emotional connections, highlighting the profound impact these bonds have on our lives.

About Hyperlink

Hyperlink, formed in 2014, is a nebulous artist collective dedicated to alternative artistic experiences, practices, opportunities, and expanding community. 

The internet has collapsed geographic isolation for many artists, opening floodgates to easily disseminate creative work. Yet even with ubiquitous internet use and travel, the physical limitations of geographic distance is often still a real limitation to a tangible, and meaningful, connection through the arts. Hyperlink dissolves those boundaries, as well as the boundaries of our own minds as it relates to the potential for what art can be and how it can be experienced. 

Hyperlink artists connect to artists in their home page/city via critical dialogue, curated exhibitions, and collaboration. Hyperlink also works with emerging figures in the art world such as writers, curators and critics. We are open to exploring new territory and the unknown.