Artist-Run 2020

Trestle Gallery and Tiger Strikes Asteroid are thrilled to announce #ArtistRun2020, a year-long exploration of artist-run projects throughout the country. We have invited 11 artist-run projects to curate exhibitions at our various locations with the intention of building relationships and expanding our collective networks. From mobile platforms focusing on pop-up exhibitions, to projects in artists’ homes, to full-blown commercial galleries, artist-run spaces are an integral part of the art world, often providing artists with their first major exhibitions as well as providing a space for artists to meet and share their work. We view these exhibitions as a way of collapsing the geographic space between all of our projects so that the relationships that are built and sustained through Artist-Run 2020 will in turn become a way for us to collectively create space for others.

Participating Spaces:
LOUD (San Diego, CA)
Maake (State College, PA)
Mrs. (Queens, NY)
The Neon Heater (Findlay, OH)

Ortega y Gasset Projects (Brooklyn, NY)

The Rib (Boston, MA)
SARDINE (Brooklyn, NY)
Sheherazade (Louisville, KY)

Transmitter (Brooklyn, NY)
Trestle (Brooklyn, NY)
Tiger Strikes Asteroid (Philadelphia, PA / Brooklyn, NY /  Los Angeles, CA / Chicago, IL / Greenville, SC)
Yes Ma’am Projects (Denver, CO)

Young Space (mobile)


Jan 3 - Feb 9: Sheherazade @ TSA NY
Jan 4 - 26: SARDINE @ TSA LA
Jan 17 - Feb 22: The Rib @ Trestle
Feb 28 - April 4: The Neon Heater @ Trestle
Apr 10 - May 9: Yes Ma’am Projects @ Trestle
May 14 - June 20: Ortega y Gasset Projects @ TSA Philadelphia
Jun 19 - Jul 26: Young Space @ TSA NY
Jul 2 - Aug 1: Small Works curated by Mrs. @Trestle
Aug 1 - Sep 5: Transmitter @ TSA Chicago
Aug 14 - Sep 19: LOUD @ Trestle
Sep 25 - Oct 31: Maake @ Trestle